Your oral health and general health are closely related. All parts of the body work together, and that includes the oral cavity and teeth. Bad breath or cavities affect not only your mouth but other parts of your physical system. In fact, your mouth can serve as a tool to help diagnose other illnesses that are unrelated to dental issues. A healthy smile requires more than just brushing your teeth; it also involves flossing, eating a balanced diet, using mouthwash, and going to regular appointments at your trusted Stittsville dental clinic.
How Does Your Oral Health Influence Your Overall Health?
Your mouth contains bacteria. Bacteria are not necessarily harmful. Some are for fighting diseases and other ailments. The harmful bacteria show up as plaque which results from sugars and carbohydrates. If that plaque is not removed by brushing and regular dental visits, the plaque will continue to feed bacteria and lead to tooth decay.Your Oral Health and Your Overall Health
When you visit your primary care physician, you will notice that they also check your mouth. That is because it can be an indicator of other health issues. Here are some:- Heart disease can be created by bacteria entering the mouth and making their way into the heart, leading to cardiovascular problems.
- Inflamed arteries caused by bacteria cause stroke.
- Pulmonary issues are closely aligned to the bacteria in your mouth that are inhaled constantly. This can cause some breathing issues or worsen others, like pneumonia or COPD.
- Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease, so, logically, it can be affected by bacteria in the system.