Invisalign Treatment Process

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Treatment Process

Our Stittsville Invisalign has its own process, which may be of interest to you as you make your decision.

Invisalign Treatment Process Overview

  • Consultation – This is the initial discussion where the overall plan is outlined including cost. Invisalign requires the commitment of wearing the appliance almost all day and night, which may not work for some lifestyles.
  • Plan – If we have not already done so, we will take x-rays, photographs and impressions of the teeth. These will be forwarded to Invisalign headquarters along with the treatment plan for the completed alignment. Invisalign will create a 3-D image of your current alignment and that to be accomplished. We will be able to verify this information through the computers in our office to be sure the plan is right. Upon authorization, Invisalign will create the trays, which take about four weeks to manufacture.
  • Client Visits – You need to come to our office for another consultation where we explain the exact order that the aligners must be worn. They must be worn day and night and removed only to eat, drink or brush and floss.
  • Final Visit – When treatment has progressed to your final tray, you need to come to our dental office where we will again check the alignment of your teeth. Some minor adjustments may need to be implemented through “refinement” trays. There is no extra charge for these refinement aligners.
  • Maintenance – After all the trays are complete and you are satisfied with the result, to keep your teeth from regressing, it is important to use a retainer. Invisalign offers Vivera, which is similar to the trays you wore previously but is somewhat thicker. This is not changed out. The other option is to use a wire retainer. Whichever you choose, it needs to be worn on a regular basis for the rest of your life. Since teeth move continually, this is necessary to keep them in proper alignment.